Saturday, August 25, 2012

T-Shirt Art and Home-Made Paint

My mama use to make shirts for me all the time when I was growing up! Sometimes she would let me help and I would make some really cool stuff!! It's time to pass on the memory! I've even found a couple fun and easy recipes for homemade fabric paint so you don't have to spend alot of $money$ to make some great fashion! The recipes are posted at the bottom
What are you waiting on? Lets Get Started!!
Lets turn a plain T-shirt into your own simple work of art.
 (You don't have to use a T-shirt, you can use any type of fabric you like. For example-> hats, pants, jackets, white shoes, shoe strings etc.)
This would also be a great idea for a project done at a Craft or Art themed Party! You can get plain shirts cheap at thrift stores or even The Dollar Store and the paint recipes below are very cheap!
First off ~~>

You will need~~>
  • A plain T-shirt or sweatshirt
  • Pencil
  • Cardboard
  • Clothespins or large paper clips
  • Fabric paint or Home-made Paint (Recipes at bottom)
May we began.....
  1. Place the cardboard inside the T-shirt and Clip it in place with the clothespins or paper clips
  2. With your pencil, draw a picture on the shirt
  3. Use the fabric paint to add color to your drawing. You can simply paint over the outline or/and color it in.
If you would like, you can make a design instead of a picture.
For example, you can use shapes and lines in different colors to make a fun, modern pattern.

DIY Puffy Fabric Paint
  1. Take regular white Elmer's School Glue and put small amounts into bottles.
  2. Take different colored Kool-Aid packets and mix the powder with the glue.
  3. Make sure the colors are mixed up really good.
  4. Paint your design on fabric and let dry.

Home Made Crayon Fabric Paint
Found at
Use up your old crayon scraps!
  • Melt crayon scraps in an empty tuna or soup can over boiling water.
  • Working quickly, Paint pictures or designs on an old T-shirt or pair of pants. **Don't use on nylon fabrics!**
To make designs permanent:
  • Cover with a fabric scrap
  • Press with hot iron
I hope you have fun making T-Shirts and all kinds of wonderful crafts with your new paint and painting ideas!! HAVE FUN!!!
Written By Autumn B with Thru My Eyes Creations and Thru My Eyes Photography

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Road in a Pocket

It's pretty much a Carry-Along Toy Road in a Pocket!
This is a simple toy that can be taken along on to friends houses, trips, etc. It's also very easy to make, boys are more likely to love it but girls will like it also!!!

1. Cut out road patterns to use on the fabric. (I made the roads about 2 1/2 inches wide but you can go smaller or larger. It's the perfect size for 2 cars side by side.)

2. Cut off 1 leg of a pair of jeans. (I got 6 road peices out of one leg)

3. Lay out the patterns on the fabric, try and cut the pieces as close together as you can so you can get more out of the space.

4. Trace the patterns onto the fabric, I use a regular pencil but you can use a fabric pencil if you have one.

5. Lay out our pieces to see if you have a cool road (This step is not necessary, but you know you want to!) (I did this to see if I needed an extra road pieces)

6. Paint on the Lines down the middle of the roads (I used Yellow Acrylic Paint)

7. While the paint is drying, Cut a pocket out of the same jeans. (This is going to be for storing the road when it's not being played with, It's also what makes it so great for travel!)

8. If you like, You can paint the yellow lines on the pocket to match it to the roads.

9. After the paint dries, you can fold up the road pieces and fit them inside the pocket!
Just add a few cars then you and your kiddos are ready for a day with no boredom!The road pieces can be put in all different road formations! Your kids will have fun making different roads, you can also make buildings with left over jeans if you like (I didn't this time, but I may in the near future.)

I got this idea off of and had to make one for my friends little boy! I hope you enjoyed the walk through steps. Enjoy!!!!

Post by Autumn with Thru My Eyes Creations and Thru My Eyes Photography